So who is going to tell me about the Black Hawks Group --- anti Waahabi-- and exactly how proud and honourable Russians feel about their activities ?
And no Bull Shit please Ladies !!!!!!!!
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So who is going to tell me about the Black Hawks Group --- anti Waahabi-- and exactly how proud and honourable Russians feel about their activities ?
And no Bull Shit please Ladies !!!!!!!!
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we have only bull shit here... sorry...
What group the Black Hawks do you mean? There are a lot of different groups with such a name-footballers, volleyball players, pilots training groups, those who are against the cancer of the breasts and so on and so on. What do you want to hear? [взломанный сайт]
Отредактировано Bella (2011-02-25 20:04:00)
By the way, have you seen the film " Black Hawk Down?" Oh! It's my favourite! [взломанный сайт]
There's the Book , film and the Games -- all based on the infamous Mogadishu attack in 1993
And no doubt , that is where your FSB Group has taken its name from . This is the group dedicated to cleansing people from the Caucasus countries .
Black Hawks? Are you sure? We call such a name those American Generals who want War. I've never heard such a name given to any of our special groups. But I'll try to find something. [взломанный сайт]
Oh, I've really have found something, but I am afraid it's not what you expected. Black Hawks are not Russians, they are Caucasian youngsters.
'Black Hawks' Get Hefty Prison Terms
MOSCOW — A Moscow court convicted six Caucasus youths of beating two white teens in a racially motivated attack Thursday and sentenced them to prison terms ranging from four to seven years.
Several dozen nationalists waiting outside the Dorogomilovsky District Court erupted in loud cheers when they heard the verdict.
Racial tensions have been simmering during the first case, labeled by prosecutors as reverse discrimination. One of the defendants was shot dead during the trial, and a white nationalist group has claimed responsibility.
The six defendants, dubbed the Black Hawks by the media and human rights groups, were found guilty of assaulting Pavel Novitsky, 16, and Fyodor Markov, 19, in a racially motivated attack in a metro train car on May 6, 2008. Witnesses said the attackers shouted “Allahu akbar!” (Allah is great!) and “Kill the Russians!” during the assault.
The defendants told the court earlier that they had participated in the attack, which one of them videotaped on his cell phone. But they denied that it was racially motivated and said it had occurred spontaneously.
Several of the defendants were under 18 when the attack took place, but were sentenced as adults. Judge Vera Ptitsyna sentenced Dilgam Guseinov to seven years in prison, Grant Arutyunov to six years, and Chingiz Arifullin, Shakhin Khudiyev and Rashid Sadykhov to four years. Rashad Mamedov, who is under 18, will serve five years in a juvenile correctional center.
The seventh defendant, Rasul Khalilov, an 18-year-old Azeri student, was killed in September as he left his apartment building for a court session. Most of the defendants were allowed to stay at home during the investigation and subsequent trial on condition that they didn’t leave Moscow. No one has been arrested in the slaying.
The group that claimed responsibility, the Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists, had said it did not expect a fair verdict in the trial and had acted to punish the “Caucasus gang” that “sold narcotics in Moscow’s universities and attacked Russian youth.”
Thursday’s session was attended by representatives of the radical Movement Against Illegal Immigration, or DPNI, and its former leader, Alexander Belov. Belov entered the courtroom dressed in all black and an orange- and black-striped tie. “They all will be imprisoned today,” he whispered as the judge entered the courtroom.
The judge read the verdict in monotone voice for two hours, and the defendants’ parents wept when she finished.
Only one defense lawyer attended, and she vowed to appeal. “The sentences are too harsh. A major part of what the judge read is not true,” said Tatyana Prilipko, lawyer for Sadykhov.
By Alexandra Odynova
The St. Petersburg Times
Published: October 13, 2009 (Issue # 1517)
I was interested to see what information filters back into Russia .
This is what is actually going on and represents the actual Internet chatter .It seems quite possible that the appearance of this new Black Hawk group is definitely an anti Islam group and could well be an FSB Death Squad or a group of people close to the FSB whose actions have been unofficially sanctioned by Moscow .Or , at minimum , are "seen" by Moscow with closed eyes .
Most of you have probably heard about a mysterious group which triggered a lot of internet talks as well as questions among people. The mysterious 'Black Hawks - Anti Wahhabi' group The group should not be mistaken with the other well known 'Black Hawks', but from Moscow. The Black Hawk group of Moscow was composed of young nationalists students of Caucasian origins, who specifically fought Russian Skinheads in street battles, just as the Russian Skinheads target specifically young Caucasians. This was the first organized Caucasian 'gang', specifically created as a reaction to the racist violences committed by ethnic Russians. Some commentators pointed similarities between them and the U.S Black Panthers. Some of their 'battles' were filmed and posted on YouTube, you can see them shouting Allahu Akbar while attacking two Russians in the Moscow metro. Photos of them making the sign of Tawheed (imitating the Mujahideen) are available online. Most of their members were arrested after this, and one of them was assassinated by the 'Russian Nationalist Militant Organization' (abbreviated BORN in Russian) which also claimed the responsibility of the infamous beheading of two Tajik Muslims, in December 2008) which made the news in the recently, in the United Province of KBK of the Caucasus Emirate.
The first 'action' carried out on behalf of this group in KBK Province, occurred on Feb 5, when 4 molotov cocktails were thrown at the Astemir Mamishev's home family in Nalchik, at 3 o'clock in the morning (local time). Astemir is a 22 years old Mujahid, his name is on the Federal wanted list. Newspapers and local media presented him as the one who executed the so-called 'Republic Mufti' Anas Pshikhachev, on Dec 15. A threat letter - in which was written: 'If your son kills another resident of the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, you will be destroyed' - was found later, signed on behalf of the 'Black Hawks - Anti Wahhabi'.
Here, it must be mentioned that the Astemir's family never encouraged nor praised the choice of their son to join the Jihad. His family has no contact with him since two and half a year, when he 'left for the woods' in fall 2008. In an interview, his mother Marina, said that they even disowned him but that she still loved him as her son. She said that she fears that the growing pressures on his family could push her two others sons to join the Mujahideen.
It is reported that leaflets 'urging people to fight against religious dictatorship' and signed by the same group, were disseminated on the territory of the 'Republic'. Some believe that the murder of Ilyas Tramov on Feb. 17 in Nalchik, could be possibly one of their crimes.
Until recently the groups had no online 'existence' i.e. no internet website, but on February 11, a video message showing a masked man (apparently armed with an Ak-74U) threatening the Mujahideen on behalf of the 'Black Hawks', was posted at the account of an anti-Mujahideen member of YouTube. In the video, the masked man makes the daring promise 'to put an end to the Islamic underground'. He addressed directly to Emir Abdullah (ha), accusing him to 'kill his own people for Dokku Umarov, who has betrayed his people'. He said: 'There is a 2 million reward for you, but it's useless, we will kill you for free'. And he added: 'Never in the history, an Adyge or a Balkar was subordinated to a Chechen'. Then he named Mamishev and Shameyev (the real surname of Emir Zakari), and warned: 'We are on your trail and the reprisal will be short'.
The official version of the authorities tells that the attack was perpetrated by relatives of killed policemen/members of the security forces, seeking revenge, but unable to attack the Mujahideen directly. Others think that they could be actually members of security forces, but operating independently, out of the 'laws', to avenge their fallen 'comrades'. Since for many years across the whole Muslim Caucasus, it's well known that the Mujahideen's relatives faced harassment of all kinds from the 'authorities' and the so-called 'law enforcement structures' but so far, it's the first time that such an - apparently 'independent' - group has appeared.
But a lot of people suggest that the group could be a kind of death squad, carrying the (really) dirty work (i.e. assassinations, provocations, intimidations, etc...) for the FSB. Kanokov, the so-called 'President of the KB Republic' announced himself on Feb 1, that pressure must be put on the families of the Mujahideen, and he said a phrase which could be interpreted as an implicit warning: 'Of course, we're not going to burn down houses in the places [fighters] were born, like they do in Chechnya.... But if [parents] have given birth to a monster, then they should answer for it, not the state.' And he added more explicitly: 'If they haven't brought up their children right, let them also take responsibility. Someone is running around in the forest, while his relative works in a shop. That can't go on; we will find measures for that.'
As we reported earlier, he also advocated the idea that 'young sportsmen should be armed to form local anti-Islamist militia units'. It's hard to not see a coincidence between his speech and what occurred after it. Is this speech was a kind of green light for a state-related group? Or did encourage some independent people to 'take actions'? One could argue that such destabilization is not beneficial for Kanokov but, since the whole 'Republic' is already 'on fire', the use of a kind of death squad to terrorize people probably doesn't looks a so bad choice for him.
One thing is sure, prior this statement, no similar group was ever reported in the 'Republic'... And this attack occurs when Kanokov and his servants are in a particularly difficult position due to the intense activities of the Mujahideen in the whole KBK territory. By the way, this so called leader showed little interests in meeting the families of the Mujahideen, as they requested , after the attack at Astemir's home.
But the FSB proved in the past that they didn't need any proxy groups to commit their crimes. So why now? On the other hand, as we said, the 'KBR law enforcement structures' are facing a peak of activities from the Mujahideen. So, such kind of reprisals, carried out by 'mysterious criminals', are quite convenient, since the blame cannot be put automatically on the 'law enforcement structures' nor on the FSB. The reprisals can be waged without any official excuses (i.e. without the obligation to justify anything before the 'Russian laws') and it avoid them to be held accountable (which occurs rarely) or harassed by NGO's like Memorial.
Finally, let's point the reference to the 'Balkar and Adyge never subordinated to a Chechen'. If it's really a nationalist reference (as some people suggest) it's quite odd, since the Adyge (Kabardian) and the Balkars are two separated people. There is no 'Kabardino-Balkar nationalism', there are two separate and antagonist nationalism, one Adyge and the other Balkar. Of course it's useless to mention that these views are not shared by the Mujahideen which strive for unity among Muslims against the invaders.
This attempt to turn people against the Mujahideen was taken seriously by the Province's leadership. The latest Omra, or decree, issued on Feb. 6, by Emir Abdullah (ha) is, without a doubt, connected to these new developments. The coming days and month will show if this 'Black Hawk' gang poses a real threat and should become a subject of concerns. The fact that their first attack looks 'amateurish' (though it was dangerous and potentially deadly) doesn't preclude the potential dangers of such people, whoever they are.
Meanwhile, as it is mentioned in the Omra, measures were ordered to protect the Muslims from criminals who claim to be 'on the side of the people'. The Mujahideen proved in the past that they were able to deal with such people. It must be recalled that the KBK Mujahideen enjoy an effective Mukhabarat network. It allowed them to strike precisely on specific targets in the past (and by the way, this precision avoided unnecessary civilian casualties). So, Insha'Allah these crimes will not remain unpunished. And those who dare to challenge the Mujahideen on this ground should be prepared to face the consequences of their actions.
you are a terrorist, an informational terrorist!
p.s. I say it as a joke! [взломанный сайт]
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