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Did you watch the Wedding of the Year ?

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Yesterday we witnessed the historic union of Prince William , grandson of Her Majesty , Queen Elizabeth the second, and Katherine Middleton -- better known as Kate .
But ,  from now on  ,  to be known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge . Duke William is second in line to the throne , after his father Charles .
The entire ceremony was watched by two billion viewers world wide .

Did your country allow it to be seen in its entirety and , if not , Why ?

The ceremony showed everything that was great about Great Britain and England specifically .
It demonstrated once again how a Monarchy can live alongside  a democratically elected Government in perfect harmony . And , in fact , allows that very marriage -- Church and State , to be much more than the sum of its two individual  parts .
It was the most marvellous of State productions as it presented Western achievement in all of its glory -- the History , its modern face and the great pomp and majesty of a nation presenting its true identity through its ceremony , style and grand taste .
And , of course , it gave everybody a Fairy Tale -- a so called Commoner marrying into the royal line .
The day was blessed by good weather and anybody witnessing the  world assembly in a stunning cathedral , supported by heavenly music and a feast of ceremonial splendour , could not help being moved to the depths of their soul .
Somehow ,  yesterday's great historic marking point symbolised all that can be achieved when people work over centuries to produce a state that tries to improve the life of anybody and everybody in its land .It clearly showed the heights that human beings can reach and attain .
For a day at least , it showed  that what we have fought for over the centuries is uniquely  special and that  the rewards of success are breathtaking and life enhancing .
It reminds us that getting through troubles does have a wonderful conclusion if we hold on to good and wise standards and practises , wherever possible .



Did you watch the Wedding of the Year

No. Some of us have lives of our own and can't be arsed wasting time on smth so utterly uninteresting as a wedding of people we are not acquainted with.



A stupid comment by any standards and the more so from someone who is usually sharp .
Firstly , you did not see the spectacle so cannot usefully comment on its interest value .
Secondly , you clearly missed the several points I made which related to its historical , social and symbolic values .

I am not acquainted with Leonardo , Newton , Einstein or Picasso but I do not denigrate their works because I was not acquainted with them  .
I also do not know either William or Kate personally , but this does not stop me literally wishing them well or appreciating the significance of them marrying  .
And by the same sort of thinking , I assume that as you are not personally acquainted with the likes of Gaddafi , Putin and Bashar al-Assad , their antics are irrelevant to your interest and by implication to anybody else of similar disposition .
Some would say--- and I certainly do --- that such attitudes are symptomatic of those living in a State that is crumbling before our eyes --- disinterest and a failure to prioritise .



I didn't watch the Wedding. It is not interesting for me either



Raymondo написал(а):

A stupid comment by any standards and the more so from someone who is usually sharp.

I noticed you call my remarks and me personally sharp when I say something you want to hear (read, that is).
You find my remark stupid? Oh well, that's your right. I, in turn, find your reply rude.
You asked a question in the heading to this thread - I answered it.
You keep praising you great democratic country ad nauseam, still you don't seem to allow other people to have opinions that are different from yours - they automatically become stupid, pointless etc.

Raymondo написал(а):

Firstly , you did not see the spectacle so cannot usefully comment on its interest value .

What a pile of bollocks. I never judged the spectacle itself and it's quality for the very reason of not watching it.
And the reason I haven't watched it was BECAUSE I WASN'T FREAKING INTERESTED. Again, can you admit that I have a right to decide a)what I find interesting and what I find a waste of my precious time, and b) what comments to write (and à propos, my comment was never intended to be useful or something, I am having fun writing on this forum and I am under no obligation to save the humanity by way of making important and meaningful posts).

Raymondo написал(а):

Secondly , you clearly missed the several points I made which related to its historical , social and symbolic values .

Nope I haven't missed them. I simply don't give a flying duck. I found your post way too pompous and bumfog for my liking.

Raymondo написал(а):

I am not acquainted with Leonardo , Newton , Einstein or Picasso but I do not denigrate their works because I was not acquainted with them .

Firstly, I find this comparison extremely far-fetched and inappropriate. Everyone knows the achievements of those great men you mentioned. What are Willie's and Kate's achievements? He was lucky to be born into a royal family, she was lucky to be shagging a guy who was born into a royal family. Besides I never denigrated any work of the newly weds - I simply am not familiar with any of it. Again, I simply had no desire or interest to watch the wedding, that's all.

Raymondo написал(а):

I also do not know either William or Kate personally , but this does not stop me literally wishing them well or appreciating the significance of them marrying  And by the same sort of thinking , I assume that as you are not personally acquainted with the likes of Gaddafi , Putin and Bashar al-Assad , their antics are irrelevant to your interest and by implication to anybody else of similar disposition . Some would say--- and I certainly do --- that such attitudes are symptomatic of those living in a State that is crumbling before our eyes --- disinterest and a failure to prioritise .

What have Putin and co. got to do with the royal wedding?? If it's any consolation to you, I wouldn't watch Putin's wedding either  [взломанный сайт] 
On the other hand, a filmed successful assassination - that's something I would watch again and again.
I normally do not watch TV at all (like I said I have other priorities in my life), but for the above situation (were it to happen, insallah) I would have made an exception.

To sum it up, I have to say that I find your post to be below your usual standard, Ramon.
It is based on nothing but grotesque comparisons and lacks an even slightest grasp of reality.
I am rather disappointed.



Креведка....слов нет одни междометия:))))))))))))))))Разделала товарисча, как Бог черепаху:))))))))



english-lavender написал(а):

Креведка....слов нет одни междометия:))))))))))))))))Разделала товарисча, как Бог черепаху:))))))))

А нефик было меня задирать и уличать в апатичности за то, что вместо того, чтобы смотреть черезчур разрекламированную королевскую свадьбу, я пошла на открытое занятие по гимнастике своей дочери ))))



It seems to me Krevedko that things must be going badly for you .
Frankly I haven't the appetite I used to have for wasting my time chatting with idiots or people who deliberately choose to behave idiotically .
Suddenly you seem like a spoiled brat with little to say that could possibly interest me .
Regards and Good Night .



Ага, а когда Мун его "колбасил", все дружно ополчились против Муна и чуть его не "распяли". Гуд гемахт, девочки, я очень Вами горда.

oops,  возмущение было высказано не к Креветке и не к Лавендеру, а к инквизиции

Отредактировано Lanya (2011-05-01 01:16:35)



I didn't watch the wedding ceremony either as I was very busy with my own deeds, but I followed it as I heard everything broadcasting over the radio. I've already seen one of the Royal Weddings- in Denmark when Frederic married to an Australian girl Maria. That was a fascinating event! They travelled all over the country to be closer to all the people and even visited Arhus where I was at that time. I saw them very closely and greeted them from all my heart. But then I considered Denmark my second Motherland and those newly wedds were not strangers for me. At that moment they were my compatriots, that's why it was really very interesting for me to watch them, to notice all the details of the ceremony and their voyage around Denmark and even Greenland.

Sorry, but I still read articles in Pravda almost every day. And I can give you one of the examples of what people from other countries think about Britain and this wedding.

Norbert Rave
Apr 30
How do foreigners see Britain ?

A stuck-up, snoddy, snobbish government with fuzzy axxholes, BLABBERON the whimp blabbing on and on about sending more fighter jets to LIBYA, while Britain is going bankrupt.

How do foreigners see Britain ?

A criminal royal dynasty, with lots of blood on their hands, and lots of money in their pockets, sucking up British taxpayers money to finance a kitschy royal wedding, Hollywood style, with a "medieval theme": the princess kissing the frosh prince ... And potentates from around the world attending, amongst them some Bahreini torturers.

How do foreigners see Britain ?

A foggy island, full of poor people without jobs, without social security, without perspective. And now they cannot even borrow books from their local library any more, because most public libraries are closing. No money to keep them open ! But never mind: Britain still has the BRITISH BULLSHIT COMPANY (BBC) broadcasting all you ever wanted to know about the latest royal parasite wedding ...

Sorry, but I think there is the truth in his words.



Марина, Диана, я вас обожаю!
Повеселили вы меня своими ответами. Шо правда то правда палец нашим дамам в рот не клади (или ложи, ку его ужо знает, как правильно), откусют!
Нам надо было, как минимум запеть гимн Британии, когда читали рамонов спич, а как максимум описяться кипятком от величия и мощи всего того что произошло. :rofl:



Sorry my being off topic  but I'd like to make a brief remark on the comment about BBC... 
It is not a bullshit company  :mad: .... Well, I don't say for news as I'm convinced any news is shit irrespective of a company broadcasting it ... but BBC educational films are truly great!

Отредактировано yoho (2011-05-01 09:35:27)



Raymondo написал(а):

It seems to me Krevedko that things must be going badly for you .Frankly I haven't the appetite I used to have for wasting my time chatting with idiots or people who deliberately choose to behave idiotically .Suddenly you seem like a spoiled brat with little to say that could possibly interest me .Regards and Good Night .

I have lot's to say and things are going very well for me at the moment, thank you for your concern.

You, on the other hand, seem to have exhausted your eloquence and succumbed to rudeness and unjustified insults.
"You fool" - "No, you fool" - that's a sort of argument befitting children in kindergarten, not to a sophisticated gentleman like yourself.

And yes, I deliberately chose to behave idiotically, i.e. have and express opinions that might differ from yours.

What's happened, Ramon? Arguing with you used to be lots of fun a while ago, but now it's not. You seem to have lost the knack and gusto for it. That's sad.



Lanya написал(а):

krevedkoenglish-lavenderАга, а когда Мун его "колбасил", все дружно ополчились против Муна и чуть его не "распяли". Гуд гемахт, девочки, я очень Вами горда.
oops,  возмущение было высказано не к Креветке и не к Лавендеру, а к инквизиции

Я не знаю, кто кого и когда колбасил и кто ополчался и распинал, т.к. присоединилась к форуму позднее.
Но для меня, что Рамон, что Мун - одного поля ягоды. Поэтому одновременно и логично и нелогично, что они устроили между собой срач (в суть которого я не вникала).
Я воспринимаю их обоих примерно одинаково - у них, с одной стороны четко виден интеллект, ум, начитанность и образованность, которые стимулируют и бодрят.
С другой стороны, в нелучшие их периоды (которые оба продемонстрировали за последние пару дней), проявляются хамство и дурость. Не вижу оснований поощрять такие проявления.
Поэтому я всегда приму на ура любые остроумные и интересные высказывания любого из них, но и не смогу одобрить грубость, дурость и неоправданную пошлость.



Для Рамона Уильям и Леонардо - разные величины, это была ловушка. Когда он устраивает такие ловушки, он ждет кто попадется в его сети, чтобы развести на эмоции, на этот раз попалась Диана.
Давно хочу понять в чем для рамона кайф таких манипуляций.



A foggy island, full of poor people without jobs, without social security, without perspective. And now they cannot even borrow books from their local library any more, because most public libraries are closing. No money to keep them open! But never mind: Britain still has the BRITISH BULLSHIT COMPANY (BBC) broadcasting all you ever wanted to know about the latest royal parasite wedding ...
Sorry, but I think there is the truth in his words.

This is the type of crap that makes me sick and I have reached the stage where the only thing that would give me real  pleasure is to violently smack silly russian idiots who quack like ducks and parrot such rubbish without knowing what it  means .
Basically , there is no smog  here and has not been for over 50 years . Can't you get that simple fact into your thick heads ? Down here in Brighton we have not had rain for over 6 weeks and we have had temperatures as high as plus 26 . I am as brown as a berry just from the sun here !!
When it comes to poverty , Shut Up . 85% of Russia is suffering from third world poverty and frankly this economic and health poverty -- HIV , TB and Alcoholism ,  are a disgrace . What we in Team GB call poverty is riches to the vast bulk of your population . Comparisons are totally ridiculous and meaningless .We live as Royalty compared to the ordinary Russian or Ukrainian .
The BBC is the best news service in the world by a long ,long way and there are very few idiots who try to pretend otherwise . As for listening to a Russian criticising -- it is like hearing a dying person  suggesting that it is  you  that is  in bad health . Russia is virtually controlled by Gazprom HQ and the FSB in all media regards , including the Internet .
Russians  simply repeatedly demonstrate here and on GG and LL  how little they truly know  of what goes on in their own country , let alone the rest of the world .
You are a dying and corrupt nation  and visibly collapsing in importance .And frankly you deserve what you get  , because ,  unlike the North African and Middle East countries , you are too frightened to kill your Gang Masters .
I am still motivated by humour and the surreal and  absurd in 95% of my life . But i am no longer prepared to be polite to people who should know better and simply regurgitate all the rubbish fed to them , instead of trying to think for themselves and ferret out the real truth .
The so called death of Osama Bin Laden  today might probably be another topical example of where the powers that truly run this planet are feeding you a load of nonsense and rubbish .At this point in time and on the hard evidence released so far , this man died in December 2001 . When I see the DNA evidence that was obtained  today with several independent world authority figures supporting its authenticity , I will then start believing that the US might be telling something like the truth . Very unlikely , however .



Raymondo написал(а):

This is the type of crap that makes me sick

Рамон, не кричи, давление подымится, а ты старенький.



Raymondo, if you despise Russia and Russians, then what are you doing on the Russian forum? It raises your self- appraisal looking down at us and make you feel very rich?



The main aim of the old gentleman is to provoke the local public into emotional burst and later on "eat" this energy for dinner or supper or breakfast  :crazy:

And local people are kind enough not to let the man die from "hunger"  :D

good cohabitation :)

Отредактировано yoho (2011-05-02 17:56:42)



никто написал(а):

Для Рамона Уильям и Леонардо - разные величины, это была ловушка. Когда он устраивает такие ловушки, он ждет кто попадется в его сети, чтобы развести на эмоции, на этот раз попалась Диана.

Никуда я не попадала, и никаких эмоций не испытывала. Наоборот, увидела притянутые за уши сравнения, похихикала и откомментила. А че переживать то? Не корову делим  [взломанный сайт]

Отредактировано krevedko (2011-05-02 18:02:13)


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