I am going to write separately to Marina and Katryn because the site is almost impossible to use from my situation .
I have absolutely no problem getting on to the site and can Log In with no problems .
Thereafter , it is impossible to ever find the Answer Block and make a Post .
I have tried other subjects in other sections but never once found an Answer possibility .
Even in this Topic , I only find it on a random basis and I can never see the reason why it works occasionally but never works on those other occasions .Frankly , at the moment it is unworkable which is a great pity . I am sure it can be fixed in time . I would be looking for an expert like Saprisky our Spanish nice Guy who would presumably encounter exactly the same problems that I face . He then would be able to act accordingly .He struck me as technically very expert AND if he liked the site , he would join and perhaps encourage one or two others to desert that Canadian Bean Pole Wally !!!
Quite separately , one thing that annoys me is that the wretched woman from Donetsk has dared to publicly mention my visit to her .
At some time I planned to tell you the story of my visit because it was one of the most amazing incidents in my life . However , disclosing the full details would make the lady concerned look stupid and foolish and therefore I would have never considered giving any clues as to her identity . That would have been unforgivable bad , rude and cruel behaviour . But I gather she has broken cover presumably because she realises how disastrous for her it would be if the details became common knowledge . Misplaced fear and guilt as it turns out .
In many respects I feel considerable pity for her , given her full background and I kick myself for letting her talk me into visiting when the circumstances were almost guaranteed to produce major problems .
Enough said for the moment , but because the silly woman has opened her big mouth , you will now hear a story the likes of which you have never heard before and which could become a world wide Internet hit if it ever got noticed .
Yes , it is that amazing .
Anybody reading this might be kind and alert Marina and Katryn to it in case it goes unnoticed for some time . I am sorry I have ruined the thread but I had no other options and for the moment the subject is dead until further incidents occur or someone produces interesting and relevant research findings .
Good by for now , naughty girls .