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На Швецию обрушился "дождь" мертвых птиц

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Serene, Ramon must log in and switch to English .
Then he must remember Posts in detail because in order to reply , he must log out , enter the site again , remember where the Topic actually is and  then finally post in the " russian" version , albeit in English .
So it can be done --- obviously he has done it ---  BUT it is a damned nuisance .

Yes, I agree, it's very inconvenient. We should invent some easier way for Romon to post, or he will start throwing his things not only around the room but oudoors. Remember, it's winter now and he can't be left naked and barefoot.  [взломанный сайт]



Well girls . it is delightful to make your acquaintance again after some little time .
I think it is important to first  get the system working  well for outsiders and then we can sensibly aim to get some decent chaps to chat to you nice lasses .
I have some tales to tell you including how I was bamboozled by a very strange lady from Donetsk only a few days ago and , of course , I want to help you understand how the world as you know it is going to implode in the next two years .
No Flowers or chocolates . Do you think I should go back before I get started ?

Incidentally ,  I was delighted that Deidre Dare was executed . But that Stanislav Mishkin is really a nasty piece of work .



wow. Mr. Horror is back  :crazy:  Welcome!



Mr Horror , eh ?
Yes ,  I have just got out of Gaol for torturing Russian women who came to England to take away the Gold lining  of our pavements .
Now I am back to stop you eating too many chocolates and making plans to abuse nice young men from the West .



Swiss scientists say dark chocolate works as  "chocolate cure" - it evidently helps to cope with emotional stress. We are all overstressed by the last events and today's beginning of a new working year. We MUST eat dark bitter chocolate in tons now, I think. It's that very thing I am doing now.
As for abusing youngsters from the West, it's a great question who abuses who.  [взломанный сайт]

Отредактировано Bella (2011-01-11 18:43:59)



Can we hope to listen to the story of Donetsk's abusive ladies eating too little chocolate which is the obvious reason for their unreasonable behavior?
And, what the hell forced you to go to Ukrain in December? Was she a blonde?

Отредактировано Bella (2011-01-11 18:48:28)



Bella написал(а):

Can we hope to listen to the story of Donetsk's abusive ladies eating too little chocolate which is the obvious reason for their unreasonable behavior?
And, what the hell forced you to go to Ukrain in December? Was she a blonde?

Aga, she is a blonde and perhaps hysteric woman too.  [взломанный сайт] 
On LL she has begun a tale of Ray’s very humble angelic personality as we know already it. [взломанный сайт] 

51 y.o. , Ukraine, Donetsk




I thought that in LL was forbidden show profile numbers of members that  somebody don't like.
Or its contagious - broking rules became popular? Poor Larisohka caught a new virus.
Ramon what you refuse to buy to this poor lady?  :crazy:  :tomato:




It is able to see all people from internet, not just LL's members.
Don't really know about private now there.



Bella написал(а):

Serene, Ramon must log in and switch to English .
Then he must remember Posts in detail because in order to reply , he must log out , enter the site again , remember where the Topic actually is and  then finally post in the " russian" version , albeit in English .
So it can be done --- obviously he has done it ---  BUT it is a damned nuisance .

Yes, I agree, it's very inconvenient. We should invent some easier way for Romon to post, or he will start throwing his things not only around the room but oudoors. Remember, it's winter now and he can't be left naked and barefoot.

Bella, I already sent him schema of forum with translated bottoms :)
If you know good hacker who can help me to improve english version here - please let me know!!!! Better - lady.
As I already have 2 men-hackers.
Gansik, left somewhere. Test - only promissing. :mad:  :tomato:



How could that nasty Larisochka write so bad words about our dear Raymondo? What happened there in Donetsk? I am intrigued! I am afraid, he arrived there as usual-without socks. She had to buy them for him  and spent 25 rubles, no less. And he refused to wear them just beause he hated all socks. But she decided that he wanted something more expensive. Maybe she even swept the room every evening till late night when Ramon was already sleeping tight? What a fascinating story! [взломанный сайт]



Sirene, I know only one-Ladine. :D  :cool:  :tomato:



Sirene, do you remember Mileda? Her brother made a good site for her a couple of years ago.  :idea:

Отредактировано Bella (2011-01-11 21:24:01)



Easier to teah Ramon Russian  [взломанный сайт]   [взломанный сайт]   [взломанный сайт] 

BTW I am waiting when another hacker will help me. Hope he will. Alez- zanuda - - programmist. And Im in touch with Le. But  how fast he will correct everything depends on his timetable :)



sirene написал(а):

Ramon what you refuse to buy to this poor lady?  :crazy:  :tomato:

[взломанный сайт]  I have hysteric !!!!!! :crazyfun:

Ramon, armer Ramon, no respect for Gans from Swallow



Raymondo написал(а):

Mr Horror , eh ?
Yes ,  I have just got out of Gaol for torturing Russian women who came to England to take away the Gold lining  of our pavements .
Now I am back to stop you eating too many chocolates and making plans to abuse nice young men from the West .

Who offended the Angel?



Alla H написал(а):


women are silly not because they are silly but because they are women [взломанный сайт]



ILEANA написал(а):

I have hysteric !!!!!!

Naughty girls you made my day . lol



sirene написал(а):

Ramon what you refuse to buy to this poor lady?

He forgot to marry ;)



I am going to write separately to Marina and Katryn because the site is almost impossible to use from my situation .
I have absolutely no problem getting on to the site and can Log In with no problems .
Thereafter ,  it is impossible to ever find the Answer Block and make a Post .
I have tried other subjects in other sections but never once found an Answer possibility .
Even in this Topic , I only  find it on a random basis and I can never see the reason why it works occasionally but never works on those other occasions .Frankly , at the moment it is unworkable which is a great pity . I am sure it can be fixed in time . I would be looking for an expert like Saprisky our Spanish nice Guy who would presumably encounter exactly the same problems that I face . He then would be able to act accordingly .He struck me as technically very expert AND if he liked the site , he would join and perhaps encourage one or two others to desert that Canadian Bean Pole Wally !!!

Quite separately ,  one thing that annoys me is that  the wretched woman from Donetsk has dared to  publicly mention my visit to her .
At some time I planned to tell  you the story of my visit because it was one of the most amazing incidents in my life . However , disclosing the full details would make the lady concerned look  stupid and foolish and therefore  I would have never considered giving any clues as to her identity . That would have been unforgivable bad , rude and cruel  behaviour . But I gather she has broken cover  presumably because she realises how disastrous for her it would be if the details became common knowledge . Misplaced fear and guilt  as it turns out .
In many respects I feel considerable pity for her ,  given her full background and I kick myself for letting her talk me into visiting when the circumstances were almost guaranteed to produce major problems .
Enough said for the moment  , but because the silly woman has opened her big mouth , you will now hear a story the likes of which you have never heard before and which could become a world wide Internet hit if it ever got noticed .
Yes , it is that amazing .
Anybody reading this might be kind and alert Marina and Katryn to it in case it goes unnoticed for some time . I am sorry I have ruined the thread but I had no other options and for the moment the subject is dead until further incidents occur or someone produces interesting and relevant research findings .
Good by for now , naughty girls .


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