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Laroshka from Donetsk

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I have heard from friends on LL that this woman is bad mouthing me .
I stayed   for 48 hours before I caught a Taxi to the airport and flew back to England .
Ask  why I would not stay .
Ask   how much money I left her in English money . It was over $300( £200)  for two days .She paid nothing ( zero) for my visit . I spent around $1300 ( including the money I left her )
She has chronic problems .



Why did it it take you so long to catch a taxi to the airport?
Why did you leave Larochka any money at all? For accomodation and meal? Then it's OK but not too much as you might think. She might have hoped for some small gift from you for her girlish needs, too. If it's so, that ammount of $300 isn't enough. That sum covers only her expencies for food and take into consideration that a  two -night staying in a double room in a very humble hotel costs even more than $200.
It's shameful of her to tell bad things about you to everybody, but I don't think, it's good of you to shake your wallet in front of our noses, either.What was done, that was done. Nothing can be changed now. So try to forget about money and remember something nice about that adventure. It was your Christmas Fairy Tale in the end.
[взломанный сайт]   [взломанный сайт]

Отредактировано Bella (2011-01-20 10:18:37)



Raymondo написал(а):

I have heard from friends on LL that this woman is bad mouthing me .
I stayed   for 48 hours before I caught a Taxi to the airport and flew back to England .
Ask  why I would not stay .
Ask   how much money I left her in English money . It was over $300( £200)  for two days .She paid nothing ( zero) for my visit . I spent around $1300 ( including the money I left her )
She has chronic problems .

But it has not explained why lady called you Lovelace



didnt u like her after first minute? or after sex with her? :tomato:



You would need to know the full details of this woman's madness -- she suffers chronically from compulsive obsessional behavioural disorders .
Bella , I told her on a Friday morning that I felt things were not working out well and that I thought it best that I move out and in fact was going home .
She went berserk and told me to pack and leave immediately within 30 minutes .Her pride was hurt and she had absolutely no idea of her shortcomings and totally unacceptable behaviour .
I had no mobile phone and no Ukrainian money at all because  she had managed to avoid taking me to the central Bank on both days I was there , despite me telling her each day that I needed to make a currency change .
You must also know that she had got blind drunk the previous evening  , as had her friend and  to the extent that she assaulted me and finally had to be put to bed because she could literally not walk or stand up without falling over .So bad was her hang over on Friday morning  that I persuaded her to take some of my heavy duty pain killers  that I carry for my back  , so that she could just function .For a variety of reasons during the drink orgy  I had " played clever" and drunk the minimum amount needed not to appear anti social and ,   in comparison , was nowhere near being drunk . In fact I stayed up and cleaned up the mess , washed and dried everything , put everything away and generally tidied the complete sitting room .
This lady would  and could not understand in her still half drunk state  that I needed to talk to Donetsk airport and also Ukraine International airline in order to change my flight tickets . I was booked to return on January 10 th but the day I left her was December 31 st --- New Years Eve !!!
I had actually left her place by 10 .15 am and had managed to change my flight arrangements in that short time .Her comment is not only nonsensical , it is completely untrue .
You also need to know how it was that I stayed in her flat . At the very beginning  , I asked her to suggest one or two suitable hotels but she insisted that I come to her place . After the matter was further discussed ,  I came to the conclusion that this woman was simply being very polite and hospitable  --- which I applauded ---- and that it reflected the confidence that she apparently  felt in me after we had written every day and at least once a day . Even  a few days before I travelled I repeated my misgivings because I know how important it is for a woman not to be compromised or embarrassed and the effect it could have with neighbours . She not only repeated her offer but seemed mortified that I would even query the arrangement .
So when you talk about paying her equivalent Hotel costs , you are talking absolute nonsense . Nobody in the world pays for things they might have had . What did this woman want ? To make a profit ? 
Yet I paid her £200 for two nights stay and if you knew the details you would question whether I was being sensible and over generous . Not one person who knows the complete story believes I should have given  her anything .
I repeat . Not one person who knows the full story believes I should have given anything . They think I was a fool and far too forgiving .
So imagine what happened to make such a conclusion fair and reasonable .
Yet I gave her about $350 for eating --  for very little ,  apart from her drunken booze session drinks which I had no part in requesting or actually wanting .
She ended in profit on out of pocket expenses  , whereas I paid out about $1300 in total --- which I have written off to experience and History !!!!
Don't accuse me of " shaking my wallet in front of your noses" .That is a shameful thing to say .
She has  said certain things and I am responding in detail with what happened . She has not told the truth .
You still don't know anywhere need the complete story ,  and you should ask yourself why someone booked to stay until January 10 th would leave on December 31 st , New Year's Eve . Ask yourself what type of behaviour might have brought this situation to such a sad end .
As regards Novice , the computer has translated your question by using the word " Lovelace" . This has no English meaning so I have no idea what the reference means  in her mind .
I will leave one thought with you  . This woman was scared rigid that I was going to identify her and give the details of this ghastly incident . Once again she shows her immaturity by assuming others will do what she has done .I had  actually rubbed the incident from my mind other than as  a story I told people here  because the whole saga was totally amazing and I have always been able to laugh at myself , particularly when I make bad judgements , albeit possibly only with the benefit of hindsight .
My view  , when I hear of incidents like this ,  is that invariably there is fire when you see a lot of smoke , and that , therefore  , responsibility and blame are probably roughly  equal .
In this instance the division was something like 98% to 2% and my part represents the bad error of giving in to her words and not believing my instincts and experience in key areas .
Telling the full story would paint the woman as stupid and very selfish , which , at one level she is .
But I can separately see that her situation is a very sad one and she has become trapped in her past and needs considerable professional help in many areas .
I am not entirely happy with public character assassination but the silly woman should have kept quiet for she has opened a can of stinking worms and ultimately she will be the only figure of fun , because time always leads to the truth and I have nothing to hide or be the least bit embarrassed about .
To the contrary ,  I was a gentleman throughout and in my younger days might have seriously thought about taking far stronger action instead of being as kind as possible in the situation and very diplomatic .



Raymondo написал(а):

the computer has translated your question by using the word " Lovelace" . This has no English meaning so I have no idea what the reference means  in her mind .

oh , sorry, she called you "womanizer"



It's awful to be in the company of drunk women no matter what nationality they are. I can only guess what made her drink so much on the second day of your arrival. She might have been disappointed. It's for you to know the reason of her dissatisfaction. I just can't imagine where your head was when you couldn't understand her expectations  while exchanging letters with her daily. It's a very sad story. I would feel sorry for both of you if it were not for her telling about your meeting in the open blog in LL in such a disgraceful way. I can only despise her for that action. And it's good that you didn't tell us all the details of that terrible situation. All's well that ends well. You are at home. You didn't fall ill. You weren't robbed. You simply paid for your thoughtless.  Life is going on and I am glad to find out that you are still a kid in short pants to be ready for such adventures.  [взломанный сайт]



Let me respond to your understanding and therefore kind comments
Her calling me a " Womaniser " is simply name calling .She gave every sign of being jealous of  the amount of time I spent speaking to her friend who was 27  , and ,  whilst a very nice , intelligent young woman  , was actually the type I would never consider for a relationship --- even  assuming she was 20 years older .She was OK but  bossy , calculating and very manipulative -- not of me  , but in general . Also she was one of those youngsters  who lacked any shape -- skin and bone as far as I was concerned .
Her friend spoke fluent English and had an English speaking fiance. The woman from Donetsk spoke not one word of English  , and ,  I am sure you will remember that my Russian vocabulary is not much greater .Who was I supposed to speak to ?
On the second day we visited a Salt Mine ( !!!!?????) .Can you believe it ? I talked to the guide because she spoke good English and asked her lots of questions and anybody else who spoke English --- other people on the excursion . They were all women -- maybe three maximum --- but none of that makes me a womaniser . The woman from Donetsk is again showing us her lack of breeding , manners and the way open society works . She is very shallow and quite naieve
Some  of the main reasons I left were :-
It immediately became apparent that she had learned no English when she had told me that she had attended classes solidly for the previous ten weeks . Not one word .Yes . Not one word .
She made no effort to learn one word in the two days I was there  , despite me offering to match her word for word with me  learning Russian .
She claimed that she had lost her ability to memorise something like a new language because of the stress of past happenings in her life . Can you believe it ? And to tell me  that after I  had flown from England etc etc
But -- and this drove me even more mad --- all she wanted to do was watch Ukrainian Soap Dramas on the TV . Her TV was on all the time .From the moment she woke until the time  she fell asleep watching her bedroom TV  .She brought me to Donetsk to watch rubbish TV , knowing I could not understand a word . Isn't that truly amazing and explains why I refer her as a stupid person .
Finally , when an obsessive compulsion gripped her , it was so severe that she lost physical control of herself . There were instances where she upset herself so much that she was physically paralysed and clearly in a terrible fury .

Oh Yes . It was truly a Holiday from Hell .
I do not know what she has written on LL because I am prevented from even entering the site to view material . However ,I have been contacted by friends who were embarrassed on my behalf and as one of them lives in England now , she knows   exactly how awful the  lies are  about me .She and her husband visit me and we talk regularly by telephone .They know me . The real me .
I suggest you look at what I have told you and see where any of it fits into her her account .
I wager there are no similarities whatsoever . Bad woman .



Miss Banana !
Jumping on a plane for a three hour trip ( Gatwick --Kiev) is like a long taxi ride these days . It is no " big deal" for me and many others .
She claimed to be person of wide ranging interests and had a love of Poetry .And though she said she spoke very few words at the beginning , she volunteered and arranged to start English lessons three weeks after we started writing . See previous Post .
I did not expect anybody to lie so blatantly and pointlessly . I invested some trust in her . Is that bad?



Anna Banana написал(а):

No, I do not but I have suspition that she and Ladin, the same person

When I read the story, it was the first thing I thought :)

Ray, it is of course very unfortunate how things went between you two. If she starts writing in blogs how bad you are, that means she is simply stupid. By the way, how come you cannot enter LL anymore? Were you banned because of what she wrote? If I were (God forbids) in the same situation, the last thing I would have done is to go and publicly scream about this. So I think you should simply forget about her and start writing to women who are actually able to communicate in the same language as you are. Seriously, how can you guys make the same mistake - hope to build a relationship without a common language... that goes beyond my understanding.



Life teaching :) For now you will never accept invitation to stay in somebodys flat without knowing the  person who invited you good. 
Have you ever heard that internet is dangereous place? :)
Good that she didn't  left you without documents and money.



btw you had a new year adventure that made you more wise



sirene написал(а):

Good that she didn't  left you without documents and money

exactly. But on the other hand, Ramon said that he communicated with that woman for a long time, so "knowing" was not an issue, but "not REALLY knowning" was. But she absolutely sounds like Ladine  [взломанный сайт]



Lanya написал(а):

exactly. But on the other hand, Ramon said that he communicated with that woman for a long time, so "knowing" was not an issue, but "not REALLY knowning" was. But she absolutely sounds like Ladine

Looks like but not she :) Ladine is not from Donetsk :) And pics are different. But maybe she has a double  :D



sirene написал(а):

But maybe she has a double

I would not be amazed if she had a triple or a quadruple  [взломанный сайт]

Отредактировано Lanya (2011-01-20 19:47:20)



Ramon, next time when you will travel somewhere - change some money in aeroport.  Quite strange that you havent done it :)
And I cant understand - it looks like you make excuses. Is it first time in your life when you met a crazy person?
By her post she showed her stupidity. Nothing more. :)



sirene написал(а):

Is it first time in your life when you met a crazy person?

Obviously not, Ramon was banned from GG by crazy people who did not appreciate neither his language, humor, nor his uniqueness гы, crazy crazy people

Отредактировано Lanya (2011-01-20 21:43:37)



Aha, many people in GG were banned by crazy people, so it's not considered. :)
But if in reality it was a 1st time when Ramon has met a really crazy person, he is a really happy man.



sirene написал(а):

But if in reality it was a 1st time when Ramon has met a really crazy person

Definitely not. He met all of us here :) luckily for him not in reality  [взломанный сайт]

Отредактировано Lanya (2011-01-20 23:56:38)



All of us in reality for one Ramon?! No it will be overdose!!!!  [взломанный сайт]


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